Sunday 22 February 2015

On this morning's Fishing adventure.

Fore dawn. I decided to get up early and do a bit of fishing. Upon making my way to Hobbiton, I decided to stop by the Bywater Bridge. Fishing there has always been excellent. Fishing and minding my own business, I saw a woman wander by, shortly followed by a dwarf. A bit later, a man ran by, stopping to stare at me. I thought to myself, Self, what is going on today in Hobbiton that so many outsiders should be coming through?

Deciding I had enough fishing, I went to the Ivy Bush Inn to see if I could sell my fish to Hereward. We haggled for a spell and I asked him if he knew why there was so many outsiders this morning.

"Solidaster Thornblossom," he told me, "I cannot say why there are so many here today. You would do well to mind your own business."

"Hereward, I would, but they stare at me, like I'm out of place in the Shire!" Sighing, I left the inn to go back to my own home. I think tomorrow, I will find a quieter place to fish.

Solidaster Thornblossom (LOTRO RP)

{So, I'm back to playing LOTRO. I've decided I don't care about getting to the level cap. I'm having too much fun playing my hobbit and RPing on the Laurelin Server. I have an account on the Laurelin Archives, but I'll also be posting random adventures here. I hope you enjoy!}

Solidaster Thornblossom -

Standing as tall as the next hobbit, Solidaster has darker skin from being out in the sun. She has green eyes and a smattering of freckles. She has short brown hair.Solidaster is a happy hobbit. Following her in her elder sister's footsteps, she decided to become a Hunter. Hunting, playing and tracking the days away with Rosette (being her sister), Solidaster had a happy time in the Shire.

As the days went by, Rosette decided to leave the Shire. She went to train with hunters in Bree. All thought Solidaster would follow. Solidaster, however, was too in love with the Shire. Giving up all but her basic Hunter training, she decided to become a cook and farmer. Purchasing a small piece of tilled earth, with her parents blessing, Solidaster is on her way to becoming a well known farmer, and hopes one day, to supply the Inns with her barley and food.

She also has plenty of Pipeweed on hand. You can find her North of Hobbiton, farming the land. Or often in Michel Delving, cooking up a stew fit for any hobbit.

If you were to see her outside of the Shire, she is often in a hooded cloak, to be hidden.

Saturday 22 December 2012

Malenreth, of Rivendell. (A Laurelin Runekeeper)

Growing up in Rivendell, Malenreth had a sheltered life. Her best friend is Himeldir. Their families lived close together, and remained close.

As Malenreth became of age, she decided she needed to leave, and see more of the world. Himeldir, as always, wanted to join her.

She wonders around, slowly but surely exploring Ered Luin. However, she is still having troubles with the other peoples. She looks down on dwarves, and humans. So far, the only others she has encountered. She is however, mostly friendly to other elves, and will always stop for a chat about the going ons.

Malenreth stands about 5'9, and has long brown hair. She is seen traveling in ceremonial armor and a hooded cloak, so as to hide her elf heritage. She is always in the company of Himeldir.

(Having started to play LOTRO again with a good friend, I will try and write more adventures out)

Wednesday 12 October 2011

A mother, and a gamer!

I've been noticing still, a lot of stigma attached to being a gamer lately. People assume we're all nerds, we don't have sex, we live in our moms basement. Basically like the South Park episode with WoW in it.

Well I'm here today to tell you otherwise! I am a stay at home mother. I clean my house every day (with the exception of Mondays, being my chore day off.) I bake homemade goodies most every day. I bake bread, cookies, I make dinners, or ask Kyle to help me make them. I walk my children to school to teach them the importance of exercise. Yes we even walk in the cold weather. I crochet. I watch silly soaps on TV. I also play World of Warcraft, with a dollop of LOTRO thrown in for good measure.

I spend extra money on those games, to buy the pets from the store, to buy point bundles from LOTRO. To race change. But you know what? All my bills are paid, I have my RRSPs in order, and even my RESPs (Savings for my kids). Heck, I'm even getting a new car next summer. In the process of saving up for that. So, I have extra money. You know what? We donate when we can, I try and teach my kids the importance of sharing, and caring. I help my sister when she needs money, heck, my father has been living with us rent free for the past three months, because he's sick, and can't work.

I am NOT a bad mother because I game. I spend time with my children, we do our homework together, we bake together, we have our time together, and I have my time to myself.

So, I'm financially responsible. I have sex often. (OMG NO WAI). And I chose to play games, instead of going out to a movie, or drinking, or other things. There's nothing wrong with what I chose to do, and no one in my family suffers for it.

Please remember, that just because I chose to play a video game, doesn't mean I'm lacking as a person. I have made some great friends that I have met, and continue to talk with and do stuff with for years from gaming.

You spent RL money on what?

Spent some of the morning reading the World of Warcraft forums. Everyone's a buzz about the new pet from the Blizzard Store.

It's amusing to read, as most people are against it, and some actually make valid points. However, most people say things like "Anyone who buys pets from the store, or CE's, or mounts must not have a life, nor ever have sex, and live in their mom's basement." Are they jealous? I don't know. I mean, if you're against stuff like the pet store, that's great, but argue your views with more then a "U haz no life."

I've also seen people get harrassed over buying the Collectors Edition of SWTOR. Why would you spend RL money on it? Why would you buy it? It constantly feels like one has to apologize for being able to buy things like this.

Yes, I've bought the CE of TOR, that's all I buy now. Yes, I've bought a few pets from the WoW store. Yes, I buy loads of points in the LOTRO store. Am I sorry? No, not really. I guess where I'm going with this is I wish people would just mind their own business, or have actual readable post regarding their views.

I guess it wouldn't be the internet then.

Sunday 9 October 2011

Happy Turkey to all.

Just finished setting the table, and this has got to be one of the best turkeys I've made so far. Happy Turkey to all!

I made a hat!

So I've been working on crocheting lately, and this is the best one I've made so far, made for and modelled by Kyle, (@paleblade77).

Working on a scarf now for my eldest daughter, and a hat for my dad. My mother gave me a ton of patterns, so after I'm going to attempt some stuffed bunnies. Kyle wants a terminator bunny, wonder if I can do that.